
Redemptive Perspectives is an opportunity to join in a conversation that:

Believes that the biblical text is to be read as a reliable, radical, restorative, relevant, and redemptive text.

Believes that the biblical text faithfully represents people even through, and perhaps especially through, the apparent contradictions and inconsistencies of the text.

Believes that the biblical text faithfully represents God as He interacts with people to reveal the truth of who He is.

Believes that the biblical text is indeed “useful for teaching, instruction and training in righteousness” as one of the authors of the bible states.

The genesis of this blog explored perspectives on women in leadership, ministry and the biblical record as a forum for seminary students who were studying women and the church.  Moving forward, this blog will seek to explore many different themes and subject matter with the hope of encouraging desperately needed redemptive perspectives.

Every generation has an opportunity to reflect upon and consider what has been understood by the people of God and then champion right understanding and challenge faulty understanding. Like the men of Issachar who “understood the times”, we need to understand our times and trust that God’s word speaks to the matters of our day as faithfully as it spoke to the many “times” of previous generations.

This blog invites interaction that is thoughtful and articulated with care for the dignity of others and the holiness of God. Any interaction deemed to be otherwise will not be posted.

1 Response to About

  1. David Campagnola says:

    Keep up the good work!


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